Sunday, February 5, 2012

g's bookshelf: the dragon's eye

this one was right on target.  i'd say interesting to a mature 6 year old through 12ish.  good for boys and girls equally, assuming they like dragons.  cute kids, a variety of dragons, and a darwin reference.  we'll be reading volume two next.

g says, "it was a little bit boring at the beginning, but then it got very exciting!  i liked it because they raised a dragon named jamal.  it was exciting when they found his pen in the woods and they said, 'we went too far.'  i also liked scorcher who was the baby dragon.  it was exciting when the big german dragon was shooting fire at the train and it was exciting when that evil person kidnapped the two kids.  he was going to give them to the dragon that was very angry because it lost its baby (scorcher).  i was surprised when that dragon could talk.  (mommy write this down...)  and then the dragon said to the evil person, 'you are not allowed to enter my cave.'  and it was exciting when they found the oldest dragon living and they saw the dragon's eye.  (spoiler alert) and it was exciting because they thought that the bad person took it, but the professor grabbed it before him.  the oldest dragon was still alive and she said the council decided that the professor was going to be the next dragon master."

i guess it's obvious that g really liked this one!  (and that i need to teach him some synonyms for exciting)!

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