Saturday, August 8, 2015

midori traveler's notebook: passport size

i was absolutely delighted to visit with tiffany and tracie to discuss the planner craze on the scrapgals podcast a few weeks ago.  what an absolutely fantastic fun time.  i show up at about the 30 minute mark and i will go ahead and warn you: my southern accent is much more pronounced when talking with southern ladies than it is when i chat with debbie hodge.
while on the show i mentioned that i wanted to make a video of my new passport size midori traveler's notebook.  my first ever midori!   i love it lots.  it's way adorable and super functional.  pardon any video imperfections.  it had been a month since the last one due to losing my cell phone, vacationing, and heading back to school.  i didn't sleep well the night before and had a headache.  it's hard to think,  talk, and make sure the image is in the frame when the brain isn't firing on all cylinders.  i was in a get'er done mood though, so i got it done!

the video spotlights the new august printable daisydori midori insert (and birdy freebie - check in your cocoa daisy newsletter!) from cocoa daisy.   way too cute for words, so here are a few snaps and you can always watch the video.  :)

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